Hi, I am Taya Kalu

Navigating Identity Through Art

Embark on Taya Kalu's artistic journey, a profound exploration of self-discovery shaped by her Nigerian, German, and East Prussian heritage. Her art serves as a testament to its transformative power, addressing the complexities of identity with a vibrant resonance beyond borders.

With a background in chemistry and business studies, Taya Kalu seamlessly fuses creativity with strategic thinking, actively contributing to Berlin's startup and cultural scenes. Her art harmoniously converges striking elements and sensory knowledge, creating a visual language that defies conventional norms.

Taya Kalu finds profound inspiration in textile art, a medium deeply rooted in Nigerian tradition. Each piece tells a story, challenging societal norms and inviting viewers into a world where threads weave tales of resilience, identity, and cultural heritage.

Guided by an impulsive nature and the eternal cycle of creation, Taya Kalu ensures that her art remains in constant metamorphosis. Her creations can evolve, even after leaving the exhibition space, reflecting the dynamic nature of life itself.